Thursday, July 28, 2005

3. South Afican wildlife.

Soth Africa..... ever since I was a young boy I have wanted to go to Africa and see the big game animals. In 1993 I had my chance, and spent a month travelling with a South African friend over two thirds of the country. We visited Kruger National Park, Hluhlue Game Reserve and the Mkuzi Gane Reserve. Among the many species, we saw

Zebra.... what are you looking at?

Waterbuck, with their characteristic "target" on their rear.

Large tortoise, slowly moving their hundred pound bulk over the rough path.

In Hluhlue, famous for its rhinocerous, two of which can be seen in this open field. They have very poor eyesight, so one can approach them from downwind, and get quite close. But be careful, they have a strong sense of smell and can run fast!

One of the top predators, a lioness greeted us as we entered Kruger Park.

Impala, a realtively common but beautiful antelope. Often seen at water holes.

Hippopotamous, one of the most dangerous animals in Africa. These were found on the Lower Sabie River. And elephant, so much bigger than you think when seen in the wild. We were driving a VW microbus, and these elephant would tower over us. We were told that when they became angry, a large bull could approach a vehicle and thrust its tusks through the side of the car and throw the vehicle over its shoulder. My advice, keep a safe distance and be ready to move ....quickly.

Giraffe, probably my favorite animal. You would see them from a distance with their heads above the trees, nibbling on the new leaves. The darker the spots, the older the animal.

Cape Buffalo, another one to keep at a safe distance. They tend to cahrge at the slightest provocation, and are unbelievably strong.
If you get the opportunity to visit Africa, do it! It is something you will never regret.


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